Friday, February 26, 2016

Can Sears Reinvent Itself?

Sears, Roebuck and Co. used to be the largest retailer in the United States, with sales representing 1 to 2 percent of the United States gross national product for almost 40 years after World War II. Its legendary Big Book catalogue was considered the primary (and sometimes the only) source for everything from wrenches to bathtubs to underwear. During the 1980s, Sears moved into other businesses, hoping to provide middle-class consumers with almost every type of banking, investment, and real estate service in addition to selling appliances, hardware, clothes, and other goods.
This diversification tore Sears away from its core business, retail sales. Sears has steadily lost ground in retailing, moving from the Number 1 position to Number 3 behind discounters Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Kmart Corporation. Sears had been slow to remodel stores, trim costs, and keep pace with current trends in selling and merchandising. Sears could not keep up with the discounters and with specialty retailers such as Toys R Us, Home Depot, Inc., and Circuit City Stores, Inc. that focus on a wide selection of low-price merchandise in a single category. Nor could Sears compete with trend-setting department stores.
Yet Sears has been heavily computerized. At one time it spent more on information technology and networking than other noncomputer firms in the United States except the Boeing Corporation. It was noted its extensive customer databases of 60 million past and present Sears credit card holders, which it used to target groups such as appliance buyers, tool buyers, gardening enthusiasts, and mothers-to-be with special promotions. For example, Sears would mail customers who purchased a washer and dryer a maintenance contract and follow up with annual contract renewal forms.
Why hasn't this translated into competitive advantage? One big problem is Sears' high cost of operations. Nearly 30 percent of each dollar in sales is required to cover overhead (e.g., expenses for salaries, light bills, and advertising) compared to 15 percent for Wal-Mart and about 21 per cent for Kmart.
In 1991, retail operations contributed to 38 percent of the corporate bottom line. The rest of the merchandising group's profits came from the lucrative Sears credit card. Strategies that worked well for competitors fizzled at Sears. J.C. Penney successfully refocused its business to emphasize moderately priced apparel. Everyday low pricing, the pricing strategy used by Wal-Mart and other retailers, bombed at Sears because the firm's cost structure, one of the highest in the industry, did not allow for rock-bottom prices. Everyday low pricing has become "everyday fair pricing" supplemented by frequent sales.
Sears' catalogue sales also stagnated. While the Sears Big Book catalogue, founded in 1887, had the largest revenues of any mail-order business, sales had not been profitable for twenty years; and the catalogue had lost ground to specialty catalogues such as those of L. L. Bean and Lands' End. On January 25, 1993, Sears stopped issuing its famous "big book" catalogues, closed 113 of its stores, and eliminated 50,000 jobs. In order return to its core business and recapture its leadership in retailing, the company also disposed of its Dean Witter securities, Discover credit card, Coldwell Banker real estate, and Allstate insurance subsidiaries.
To help turn Sears around and refocus on retailing, CEO Edward A. Brennan hired executive Arthur C. Martinez away from Saks Fifth Avenue in September 1992, naming Martinez his successor as Sears Chairman and Chief Executive Officer two years later. Martinez ordered the company to combine its half-dozen disparate customer databases to find out who was really shopping at Sears. It turned out that Sears' biggest shoppers were not men looking for Craftsmen tool belts but women aged 25 to 55 with average family incomes of $40,000 who were in the market for everything from skirts to appliances.
Under Martinez, Sears stopped trying to sell everything and started focusing on seven core types of merchandise--men's, women's and children's clothing, home furnishings, home improvement, automotive services and supplies, appliances, and consumer electronics. The company is rearranging its merchandise displays to resemble those of more upscale department stores, with more attention to women's apparel, which is considered a highly profitable segment of merchandising. Sears is also offering special merchandise in each store geared to its local customer base. And it is relieving managers and clerks of some reporting and administrative tasks so they have more time to actually sell. Beginning in 1996 every employee's compensation included a measurement for customer service. Sears realized that it could not compete with discounters such as Wal-Mart Corporation on price alone and focused on building a competitive edge through superior service.
Sears embarked on a $4 billion five-year store renovation program to make Sears stores more efficient, attractive, and convenient by bringing all transactions closer to the sales floor and centralizing every store's general offices, cashiers, customer services, and credit functions. New Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals allow sales staff to issue new charge cards, accept charge card payments, issue gift certificates, and report account information to card holders. The POS devices provide information such as the status of orders and availability of products, allowing associates to order out-of-stock goods directly from the sales floor.
Some stores have installed ATM machines to give customers cash advances against their Sears Discover credit cards. Telephone kiosks have been installed throughout the Sears retail network. Customers can use them to inquire about service, parts, and credit, check the status of their car in the tire and auto center, or call the manager.
Customer service desks have been largely eliminated. Sales personnel are authorized to handle refunds and returns, eliminating the need for two separate staffs. If a customer forgets his or her charge card, he or she can obtain immediate credit by telling the cashier his or her name and address and presenting identification. Streamlining of patterns of work in back rooms and loading docks also trimmed staff and create savings. These changes also increased the ratio of selling space to nonselling space at Sears, so that an additional 6 million square feet of space could be used to generate revenues.
Sears has been moving its suppliers to an electronic ordering system similar to that described for Baxter Health Care. By linking its computerized ordering system directly to that of each supplier, Sears plans to eliminate paper throughout the order process and hopes to expedite the flow of goods into its stores.
Sears further tightened its grip over the business by building an even larger database for its Sears Credit and Home Services businesses. It consolidates information on 90 million households, 31 million Sears Card users, transaction records, credit status, and related data. Sears hopes to use this information to provide even more finely targeted database marketing. The database houses Sears' Strategic Performance Reporting System (SPRS), helps the company manage pricing and merchandising for its 1950 North American stores.
Until a few years ago, Sears merchandise buyers lacked reliable information on precisely what customers were buying at each store. They could not view anything more specific than each division's daily performance. Management relied on 18 separate systems that often contained conflicting and redundant pricing information. Today, any authorized Sears employee can use SPRS to look up any sales figure by store, by area, by item, right down to the size and color of a sweater. Sales can be analyzed by item or product category, by individual store or company wide. Sales of items advertised in newspapers for a specific day can be tallied so that Sears' 1000 buyers and managers can know what hot-selling merchandise to replenish right away. Buyers can compare current performance of merchandise with that of the previous week or the previous year. The data can be displayed in a number of different ways, including pie charts or graphs.
The Sears charge card, with over 32 million accounts, is the fourth-largest credit card operation in the United States, serving nearly half the households in the United States. Sears' credit card business generates almost half of corporate profits. About half of all purchases made in Sears stores are made with the Sears credit card. Starting in 1993, Sears aggressively courted new credit card customers, doubling the rate at which it issued new credit cards to more than 6 million per year. The increase in credit helped fuel Sears' rising store sales. Although Martinez claims that Sears did not reduce its standards for determining credit-worthy customers, Sears attracted too many high-risk customers, and many of its new credit card customers defaulted on paying their bills. Steve Goldstein, who took charge of Sears Credit in 1996, invested in technology to bring Sears' risk-management systems up to the level leading-edge credit card issuers, such as Citicorp.
Troubles mounted in early 1997. Some cardholders in Massachusetts sued Sears over the intimidating methods it used to persuade bankrupt customers to pay their credit card balance. Sears wound up paying $475 million to settle lawsuits in all 50 states. Later that year, bad-debt charge-offs for uncollectible credit card accounts skyrocketed to over 8% of Sears' receivables, twice the level of two years earlier. Goldstein's group could not properly analyze the delinquent accounts. Although teams of people worked day or night, Sears' computer systems still weren't state of the art and analysis that should have taken a few hours took weeks. Goldstein resigned in December 1997.
To stem the rising loan losses, Sears cut back on new credit accounts to 4.2 million. But as the credit business was reined in, retail sales flattened out. Sales at Sears stores open at least one year only rose 1.1% during 1998, when the retail climate was very strong and competitors posted an average sales increase of 4.4%.
Martinez hoped the Internet could play an important role in Sears' turnaround. Sears set up a separate Internet division with 50 employees on its campus in Hoffman, Illinois. The mission of this group was to make Sears the "definitive source for the home." Consumers can use the Sears Web site to purchase appliances, automotive parts, apparel, housewares, tools, lawn and garden accessories, and other merchandise online. The Web site also features capabilities for customers to arrange for repair service online.
Sears is using Internet technology to develop a system that will let suppliers check the status of their invoices. Sears wants to give vendors access to SPRS so that they can check the sales of their products and provide just-in-time inventory service. It is also working with Sun Microsystems and other technology companies to create home appliances and services that use the Internet.
Sears has acted as if it is showing some progress. In January 2002 the company announced that during that year it would add 15 new stores, so that it would have about 900 nationwide, and it would remodel 50 others. At the same time it announced that it would stop selling and installing carpets to free up more space for more profitable products such as appliances. This action also allowed the company to eliminate 1,500 jobs.
In May 2002 Sears announced it was purchasing catalog and Web retailer Lands' End, the highly impressive direct-marketing company. In 2001 Lands' End reported a net profit of $66.9 million on sales of $1.6 billion---a margin of 4.3% (compared with Sears' profitability of only 1.8%). Lands' End CEO will manage Sears' online and catalog businesses, and Sears will gain access to Lands' End's customer file of about 30 million families. Sears also hopes this acquisition will give its apparel products a more stylish look. Sears planned that by the end of 2002 Lands' End good would be sold in 180 of its retail outlets. The two companies have very different cultures in addition to the major differences in their businesses. Lands' End is considered top notch in its customer service. For example its return policies can't be beaten, while the company answers e-mails within four hours. It also is a much younger and more nimble company than is Sears. Many question the ability of the two companies to benefit significantly from the merger. Moody's Investors Service lowered its rating on Sears debt as a result.
In October 2002 Sears warned that its third-quarter profit would be below Wall Street expectations because its credit card business appears to be "losing steam." It is clear that the size of its unpaid credit card debt has been growing rapidly. In October the company also appointed a new CIO, Garry Kelly, who was given the task of addressing Sears' fragmented information technology.
Can the Internet help Sears to turn around? Will Sears be able to prosper without easy credit? After Martinez arrived, Sears had a measure of success in lowering its margins and increasing same-store sales. The question is whether Sears can sustain this momentum. Its operating expenses are still high compared with industry leaders. Market research indicates that Sears continues to be the destination of choice for lawn mowers, wrenches, washing machines, and other "hard" goods -- and its tools and appliance businesses are posting large sales gains. But Sears has not yet secured itself as a place for fashionable women's clothing. It is too early to measure the impact of the acquisition of Lands' End on its apparel business. Some critics believe that future earnings growth will flag once the company completes its remodeling program and that Sears remains vulnerable to aggressive discounters. CEO Alan J. Lacy, who succeeded Martinez, wants to emphasize Sears as a one-stop source of popular consumer brands rather than focus too much on price. Can Sears' reinvention keep the company competitive now and in the future?
Sources: Sources: Carol Sliwa, "Sears CEO Says Company will Standardize Technology," Computerworld, January 20, 2003; Kim S. Nash,"Sears: The Return on Returns," Baseline, January 17, 2003; Ari Weinberg, "Sears Chisels Out a Better Quarter," Forbes, January 16, 2003; Joanne Derbort, ""Sears' New CIO Starts with Lands'End," Baseline, December 1, 2002; Linda Rosencrance, "Sears Buying New Laptops, Wireless Hardware for Repair Technicians," Computerworld, October 20, 2002; "Sears Warns that Profits Will be Lower," New York Times, October 8, 2002; Constance L. Hays, "Sears to Buy Lands' End In a Deal That Unites Pants and Power Drills," New York Times, May 14, 2002; "Sears, Roebuck Plans to Open 15 Stores," New York Times, January 8, 2002; Amy Merrick, "Fashion Victim: Sears Apparel Sales Keep Unraveling," The Wall Street Journal, April, 30, 2001 and "Sears to Shut 89 Stores and Report Big Charges," The Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2001; Calmetta Coleman, "Sears CEO Wasts No Time Putting His Brand on Stores," The Wall Street Journal, November 6, 2000; Bernhard Warner, "Sears Has AOL," The Industry Standard, March 14, 2000; "Sears, Sun Microsystems Working on Internet-connected Home," Sears Public Relations, January 6, 2000; Joseph P. Cahill, "Sears's Credit Business May have Helped Hide Larger Retailing Woes," The Wall Street Journal, July 6, 1999; Julia King and Thomas Hoffman, "Sears Launches Do-It-Yourself Site," Computerworld, April 19, 1999; Gene Koprowski, "The Harder Side of Sears," Software Magazine, January 15, 1998; Patricia Sellers, 'Sears' Big Turnaround Runs into Big Trouble," Fortune, February 16, 1998; Daniel Gross, "Remodeling Sears," CIO Magazine, December 1, 1996; "Yes, He's Revivied Sears. But Can He Reinvent It?" The New York Times, January 7, 1996; John Foley, "Sears'Data Store Grows," Information Week, June 24, 1996; Susan Chandler, "Sears' Turnaround Is for Real--For Now," Business Week, August 15, 1994; and Stephanie Strom, "Sears Eliminating Its Catalogues and 50,000 Jobs," The New York Times, January 26, 1993.
1 .     Evaluate Sears using the competitive forces and value chain models.  
2 .     What management, organization, and technology factors were responsible for Sears' poor performance?  
3 .     Evaluate Sears' new business strategy under Martinez and Lacy. What management, organization, and technology issues are addressed by this strategy?  
4 .     How successful is Sears' new strategy? What role do information systems play in that strategy?  
5 .     To what extent have information systems provided competitive advantage for Sears? Explain.  
6 .     How important is the Web in Sears' strategy? How might the Lands' End acquisition help the company? What problems does it present Sears?  

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